Events and Get-Togethers
Featured Upcoming Events
29.11.2024 Wine Tasting @ Arnoma
Tutored Wine Tasting with Khun Paolo CONCELVAN. There will be 6 to 7 unique Natural Italian Wines to be tasted and commented by Khun Paolo, Wine Educator extraordinaire! The tasting will be followed by a Heavy Cocktail with some delicious Italian food prepared by Arnoma Executive Chef Udorn! Info & Registration: 🇬🇧 >>>>>
08.12.2024 Christmas Brunch / Brunch de Noël
Der Santa Klaus besucht unsere Kinder / Santa Claus visite nos enfants: (see details: 🇩🇪 🇬🇧 🇫🇷>>>>>>)
14.12.2024 Jass Tournier
ein gemütlicher Nachmittag zum Jassen mit anschliessendem Nachtessen. Info & Anmeldung: 🇩🇪 🇫🇷 🇬🇧 >>>>>
17.12.2024 Get-Together December
Max Hürzeler - Geschichte eines Velo Rennfahrers