Reports Events 

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Swiss Society Bangkok Jass Tournament #1 2022
, SSB Secretary
On the first places Emmanuel with over 200 points ahead of his pursuers Reini and Markus, the best lady was Regina and this time the consolation prize went to Josef B.
Excursion to Khao Yai / Ausflug nach Khao Yai
, Schnyder Josef
3-day trip to Toscana Valley with wine tasting at GranMonte Winery and opening ceremony of Thai-Swiss Friendship Trail in Khao Yai National Park / 3-tägiger Ausflug ins Toscana Valley mit Weindegustation auf dem Weingut GranMonte und Eröffnungszeremonie des Thai-Schweizer Friendshiptrails im Khao Yai National Park
Swiss Society Bangkok Christmas Brunch 2021 Brasserie 9
, Christian Brunner SSB President
Christmas brunch 2021 75 persons, 51 adults with 24 children had registered for the SSB Christmas brunch 2021 at the newly reopened Brasserie 9, Sathorn soi 6 on Sunday, 12th of December. It started around 11 a.m. with chatting, discussing, refreshing, or making new connections among the adults, playing and discovering toys and new friends in the playroom for the children.
Swiss Society Bangkok Raclette Evening 2021
, Christian Brunner SSB President
Will it take place? Can it be organized in this difficult year? This question was discussed a bit anxiously within the board of the SSB in its meetings in September and again in early November 2021. In September, the decision was taken to cancel because of corona restrictions still in place. However, the changes of early November let us come back on the decision and, with the green light given by our ambassador, and the positive, encouraging response of Linus Knobel, managing director of BAC and caterer Gourmet Primo, we decided to go ahead with the organization of this traditional event.

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Presentations and Reports  Get Together

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Get Together #116 Dezember 2022 with Peter Wiesner
, SSB President
Tuesday 20th December 2022.40 members attended the last Get Together this year. With an interesting lecture by Peter Wiessner about the DFB Dampfbahn Furka-Bergstrecke. Many thanks to Peter for the very entertaining lecture, the Chesa team, the organizers and of course all members who took part in this wonderful event. Bilder-Übersicht anzeigen
Jass Turnier 17. Dezember 2022
, SSB Vicepresident
16 Mitglieder der SSB trafen sich am Samstagnachmittag zu einem heiteren Jass Turnier, gefolgt mit einem feinen Nachtessen in der Brasserie 9. Klicken Sie sich hier durch die Bilder, Bericht und Resultate:
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11 December 2022
, Christian Brunner SSB President
90 members and friends of the Swiss Society Bangkok (65 adults with 25 children and youth) gathered at Brasserie 9, Soi Sathorn 6, for the annual Christmas brunch.
National Museum Bangkok, Special guided tour for members, friends and guests of the Swiss Society Bangkok on Saturday, December 10th 2022
, Werner Schäppi
Bei strahlendem, aber auch heissem Wetter hatte ich am 10. Dezember das Vergnügen, 23 Mitglieder und Freunde zu einer Führung durch das Nationalmuseum Bangkok zu begrüßen.

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Relations between Switzerland and Thailand ( Info Swiss Embassy 22.12.2020 )

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