, John Hauenstein

Raclette Time on Saturday, 25 November 2017

Dream Measurements  94 - 40 – 63 94 SSB members, 40 kg potatoes, 63 non-members - all well mixed with 32kg cheese – these were the excellent factors for the cozy raclette evening in the beautiful garden of the Swiss Ambassador in Bangkok.  In fact, this is not entirely correct. Some participants of this dinner have decided at short notice to become a member of the Swiss Society Bangkok (SSB) in order to save THB 300 (25%) and to profit from the dinner price for members. Already during the aperitif, which was generously offered by the Swiss Ambassador, old friendships were deepened, and new contacts were made between members living in and around Bangkok and other places throughout Thailand The illustrious guests were welcomed by the President of SSB, Andre Graber, and by the Swiss Ambassador, Ivo Sieber. Ivo adapted his short speech to the menue and made his speech in French. The starter was served to the tables by the friendly and dedicated crew of Bangkok Catering. The delicious raclette prepared with genuine Swiss cheese and excellent small potatoes was served at one of the six food stations where the guests met for a short chat. If the record of consumed raclette portions was three, four, or even five plates per guest remains unknown to the writer.  The evening was so pleasant and succeeded and so the loudspeakers went on strike. The President, Andre, had to go from table to table at 11pm and personally announced to the guests that it is time to say goodbye. Thanks to all the committed members of the board of SSB for the perfect organization, thanks to Ivo Sieber and the Embassy for the generous aperitif, and thanks to the crew of Bangkok Catering for the professional care of the guests. A photo gallery of this event is available on SSB facebook. https://www.facebook.com/SwissSocietyBangkok/