Get Together #66

28 Bilder, 1 Video
Zürcher Zünfte und Sächsilüüte Dienstag 16 Oktober 2018 im Chesa mit Luca Sigg Over 30 members joined this GetTogether, to listen to Lucas speech about Sechseläuten. The Sechseläuten (Zürich German: Sächsilüüte) is a traditional spring holiday in the Swiss city of Zürich celebrated in its current form, usually on the 3rd Monday of April, since the early 20th century. The roots of the festival go back to medieval times when the first day of summer working hours was celebrated in the guildhalls across the city. City ordinances strictly regulated the length of the working day in that era. During the winter semester the workday in all workshops lasted as long as there was daylight, but during the summer semester (i.e. starting on Monday following vernal equinox) the law proclaimed that work must cease when the church bells tolled at six o'clock. Sechseläuten is a Swiss German word that literally translates into "The six o'clock ringing of the bells". Changing to summer working hours traditionally was a joyous occasion because it marked the beginning of the season where people had some non-working daylight hours. Burnings of Böögg figures in spring are attested in various places of the city from the late 18th and early 19th century, without direct connection to the Sechseläuten. The combination of the Sechseläuten parade and the burning of an official Böögg was introduced in 1902. But still today the guilds accept only men as member. There is a lady-guild, but the are not allowed to join the official parade….
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Get Together #66