AGM 14 March 2018

122 Bilder
AGM 2018 at the Rembrandt Hotel on 14 March 2018 At the registration desk and the pre-cocktail the “good humored” attendees maintained existing relationships and made new contacts at the presumably 87th AGM since 1931. The Society counts 220 members 95 Family member , 125 Single member 315 Adults plus 40 kids, thereof 69 members and partners were present at the AGM. So 30 % of the members participated at the meeting which does not mean that the members are indifferent what happens within the SSB community, but it shows their confidence in the Society and their active board. The President, André Graber, lead sovereignly through the 12 agenda points and informed the members in an entertaining way about the successful activities in the year 2017. The Treasurer, Thomas Gerber, reported about the financial details 2017 and presented the budget 2018. The year 2018 shall end with a positive year-end finish (black figures). Niki Geissbühler and Hans Peter Meier left the board with a bottle of ETTER Kirsch and six new members were welcomed with big applause. Also Simon Rindlisbacher left the Committtee and was rewarded for his excellent work in the last six Years with 100% of the present votes as a new Honorary Member. The meeting ended in time. The interest in the following dinner was huge: 95 participants (members and guests) enjoyed the generous buffet dinner. The Rembrandt crew offered delicious Swiss dishes, Italian specialties, Thai delicacies, and international highlights.
AGM  14 March 2018
AGM  14 March 2018
AGM  14 March 2018
AGM  14 March 2018
AGM  14 March 2018
AGM  14 March 2018
AGM  14 March 2018
AGM  14 March 2018
AGM  14 March 2018
AGM  14 March 2018
AGM  14 March 2018
AGM  14 March 2018
AGM  14 March 2018
AGM  14 March 2018
AGM  14 March 2018
AGM  14 March 2018
AGM  14 March 2018
AGM  14 March 2018
AGM  14 March 2018
AGM  14 March 2018
AGM  14 March 2018
AGM  14 March 2018
AGM  14 March 2018
AGM  14 March 2018
AGM  14 March 2018
AGM  14 March 2018
AGM  14 March 2018
AGM  14 March 2018
AGM  14 March 2018
AGM  14 March 2018
AGM  14 March 2018
AGM  14 March 2018
AGM  14 March 2018
AGM  14 March 2018
AGM  14 March 2018
AGM  14 March 2018