SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022

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90 members and friends of the Swiss Society Bangkok (65 adults with 25 children and youth) gathered at Brasserie 9, Soi Sathorn 6, for the annual Christmas brunch. With this event, the Swiss community maintains an old tradition with the authentic Santa Claus. Every year at this time, this bearded, friendly old man delights children and adults with his good wishes and profound, exciting stories that he tells at this occasion. First, Santa, in his imposing outfit, wished the adults a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Then he went to the children's playroom, where he was greeted with reverence and sat down on his big chair. When asked if there were any children who would like to recite a little saying, little Ben, holding the hand of his sister Laura, spontaneously stood up and together the two of them bravely stood in front of the “Samichlaus”. Ben had learned his poetic little saying well. The two of them visibly delighted old Santa with it. Then all the children listened attentively to the story-telling Santa Claus before they were given a goody bag with delicious food inside. The buffet presented by Chef Raphael and his team was again overwhelming, so that many guests could only restrain themselves with a lot of effort, some of course overeating on this great food offer. Special thanks are due to the host Linus Knobel, who again this year donated the contents of the “Samichlaussacklein”, among other things. Thanks are also due to the team of the RIS Swiss Section, the German-speaking school of Bangkok, Veronika, who also this year professionally supervised and kept the children busy in the playroom, and of course to all members and guests who contributed to this beautiful event. In the early afternoon, the guests left Brasserie 9 visibly satisfied and in a good mood.
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11th December 2022